Striking forward with wrath & hate they destruct the earth. Featured Demo: LUST - "Holocaust Whore Hell Slut" 1999
Midnight Danger - "The Last Day" (Background Music)
Bestial Mockery - Satan's Devilsaw (Opening Theme)
Axis Powers - Evil Warriors
Bestial Warlust - Barbaric Horde
Crucifier - Feed the Furnace ✷
Diocletian - Global Slave Enigma ✷ Out July 15th on Nuclear War Now!
Prehistoric War Cult - The Spell ✷ Out June 21st on Fucking Kill Records
Hellgate Necrosodomy - The Unholy Conquest of the Black Order ✷
Sangre Impura - Screams of a Crucified Jew ✷ Out Soon
Perversion - Necroplasma Coagulation ✷ Pyromancer - Unholy Cremation ✷
Sadomortuary - Bells of Perverted Necrolatry ✷
Wyrmvold - Sentinels at Ouroboros Gate ✷
Slaughter Lord - Legion ('87 demo)
Incantation - Entrantment of Evil ('90 demo)
Unholy Archangel - Anal Jehovah ('00 EP)
Bulldozer - Fallen Angel
Lord of Evil - Warriors of the Night ('93 demo)
Beherit - Dawn of Satan's Millennium ('91 EP)
Running Wild - Black Demon
Tsatthoggua - Heirs of Fire
Goat Semen - Goat Semen ('03 demo)
Archgoat - Penis Perversor
Blasphemy - Fallen Angel of Doom
Sacramentary Abolishment - Victory in Nothingness
Ouroboros - Vomiting Gaschamber Perversions ('02 EP)
Churchacide - No Title (Voor cover) ✷
"Holocaust Whore Hell Slut"
1. Intro
2. Iron Warfare
3. Anal Queen of Darkness
4. Outro
Thornspawn "Consecration of Evil Flesh"
1. Consecration of Evil Flesh
2. Dominions of Darkness
3. Everlasting Seige of the Necrosoldiers
4. Ancient Path
5. Licking the Virgin Mary's Cunt
6. Thrones of Suspiria
Spear of Longinus - Devil's Poison
VON - Lamb ('92 demo)
Necrovore - Toxic Decay ('87 demo)
Myrmidon - Somber Destiny ('99 demo)
Goatvomit - Goatvomit (Church of the Goat Baphomet) ('00 demo)
Satanic Warmaster - Satan's Race ('03 split)
Graveland - In the Glare of Burning Churches ('93 demo)
Order From Chaos - Power Elite
Sadistik Exekution - Fukking Death
Nekkrofukk - Holy Mary...Full of Semen ✷
Grand Belial's Key - Goat of a Thousand Young ('92 demo)
Arkhon Infaustus - The Silent Voices of Perversion
War - I Am Elite ('97 EP)
Nuclear Death - The Colour of Blood
Craft - Death to Planet Earth
Agatus - Force of Desecration
--+ Outro +--
✷ = NEW 2024
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