In my hand be cursed your destination. Featured Demo: Nocturnal Worshipper - "The Lords of Occultism" 1994
VHS Glitch - "Dark Alley" (Background Music)
Bestial Mockery - Satan's Devilsaw (Opening Theme)
Goatpenis - Eternal Cremation Ritual
Barrabás - Come with the Storm
Boundless Chaos - Tyrant’s Call ✷
Cardiac Arrest - Maggotbrain ✷ Out May 17th on Hells Headbangers
Cardiac Arrest - This is How You Die ✷
Engulfed - Cursed Eternity ✷ Out April 19th on Dark Descent Records
Corpus Offal - Ripened Psychosis ✷
Orgy of Carrion - Night's Vulva ✷
Terrorist - Somber Sepulcher ✷ Out April 27th
Coffin Curse - Reeking Filth of Ages ✷ Out April 22nd on Memento Mori
Adversarial - Merging Within the Destroyer ✷Out May 31st on Dark Descent Records
Bathory - Satan My Master
Urn - Burn In Hell
Thornspawn - Man, Thy Name Is Satan
Immortal - Unholy Forces of Evil ('91 EP)
Mystifier - Mystifier (Satan's Messengers) / Our Gloat (Outro)
Amen Corner - Diabolic Possession ('94 EP)
Pentacrostic - Diseased Souls
Unholy Flames - Messenger of Agony ('97 EP)
Impurity - Cruelty in the Reign of God (Demon of Cruelty)
Damnation (Swe) - Bloody Vengeance (Vulcano cover)
Nocturnal Worshipper
"The Lords of Occultism" 1994
1. On High in the Heckti Mountain (Intro)
2. Fury of Demoniac Harvest
3. Cerimonial Circle
4. Spectre Shadows
5. Ancient Flames of Darkness
Mordant Rhed (Houston, TX)
"Touch the Skeleton in the Forest" 2024 EP
1. Touch the Skeleton in the Forest
2. Cemetary Without Crosses
3. My Hatred Burns (rehearsal)
4. 15 Winters (rehearsal)
5. Architects of Fear (rehearsal)
6. Hatred for Humanity (rehearsal)
7. Fucked Up Backyard Party
Sadokist - Darkness Prayer
Atomicide - Materialized Hate in Destruction
Necrogosto - Crush Salomon´s Temple
Mütiilation - Into the Cursed Necropolis ✷
Schizogoat - Prince of Demons ✷
Rotten UK - Baphomet Rising ✷ Out May 24th on Hells Headbangers
Abhorer - Concubinal Celibatic Myrmidonian Whores
Cursed Excruciation - Goetic Glorification
Flageladör - Conjuração ✷
Desolus - The Invasion Begins ✷ Out May 10th on Hells Headbangers
Masticated Cadaver - Decay Within a Pool of Excrement ✷
Antichrist Siege Machine - Vanquishing Spirit ✷Out April 19th on Profound Lore Records
--+ Outro +--
✷ = NEW 2024
Merciless Onslaught w/Hellpreacher LIVE Tuesday Nights from 10pm-1am EDT ONLY at