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With a year of endless shit there were still plenty of killer releases. Many won't be on this list but will and still get played. Originally picking 35 but one last entrant made this 36 for 2021. These aren't the best but are my favorites for the year. I don't care to explain why each album made the list.

Don't see your favorite on the list?

"Best of" 2021

Full Playlist for Part 1 Here

Playlist & Download for "Best of" Part 2 is Here

Invultation Unconquerable Death
Oldskull Nether Hollow of No Return
Savage Necromancy Feathers Fall to Flames

36.  Invultation

"Unconquerable Death"

(Born for Burning Productions)

35.  Oldskull

"Nether Hollow of No Return"

(Inhuman Assault Productions)

34.  Savage Necromancy

"Feathers Fall to Flames"

(Inhuman Assault Productions)

Krolok Funeral Winds & Crimson Sky

33.  Krolok

"Funeral Winds & Crimson Sky"

(Osmose Productions)

Maze of Terror Offer to the Fucking Beasts
Morbific Ominous Seep of Putridity
Huoripukki Ikuinen kamppailu

32.  Maze of Terror

"Offer to the Fucking Beasts"

(Xtreem Music)

31.  Morbific

"Ominous Seep of Putridity"

(Headsplit Records)

30.  Huoripukki

"Ikuinen kamppailu"

(Fallen Temple)

29.  Hulder

"Godslastering: Hymns of a Forlorn Peasantry"

(Iron Bonehead Productions)

Warloghe Three Angled Void
Malignant Altar Realms of Exquisite Morbidity
Haalbuaer Mortal Ones Scream in Horror
Black Jackal Forever War

28.  Warloghe

"Three Angled Void"

(Northern Heritage Records)

27.  Malignant Altar

"Realms of Exquisite Morbidity"

(Dark Descent Records)

26.  Haalbuaer

"Mortal Ones Scream in Horror"

(Caligari Records)

25.  Black Jackal

"Forever War"

(Goat Throne Records)

Frightful Spectral Creator
Konquest The Night Goes On
Gallows 66 Black Wings
Funeral Mist Deiform

24.  Frightful

"Spectral Creator"

(Awakening Records)

23.  Konquest

"The Night Goes On"

(Awakening Records)

22.  Gallows

"66 Black Wings"


21.  Funeral Mist


(Norma Evangelium Diaboli)

Venefixion A Sigh from Below
Gauntlet Ring Upon the Wings of the Black Eagle
Disembody Reigniting Hellfire
Gosudar Morbid Despotic Ritual

20.  Venefixion

"A Sigh from Below"

(Iron Bonehead Productions)

19.  Gauntlet Ring

"Upon the Wings of the Black Eagle"

(Blood and Crescent Productions)

18.  Disembody

"Reigniting Hellfire"


17.  Gosudar

"Morbid Despotic Ritual"

(Rotted Life Records)

Sněť Mokvání v okovech
Black Spirit El sueño de la razón produce monstruos
Eternal Evil The Warriors Awakening Brings the Unholy Slaughter!
Pan-Amerikan Native Front Little Turtle's War

16.  Sněť

"Mokvání v okovech"

(Blood Harvest)

15.  Black Spirit

"El sueño de la razón produce monstruos"

(Infinite Night Records)

14.  Eternal Evil

"The Warriors Awakening Brings the Unholy Slaughter!"

(Redefining Darkness Records)

13.  Pan-Amerikan Native Front

"Little Turtle's War"


Nuclear Revenge Dawn of the Primitive Age
Proscriptor McGovern's Apsû
Warmoon Lord Battlespells
Baxaxaxa Catacomb Cult

12.  Nuclear Revenge

"Dawn of the Primitive Age"

(Awakening Records)
(Headsplit Records)

11.  Proscriptor McGovern's Apsû


(Agonia Records)

10.  Warmoon Lord


(Werewolf Records)

9.  Baxaxaxa

"Catacomb Cult"

(The Sinister Flame)

Cambion Conflagrate the Celestial Refugium
Archgoat Worship the Eternal Darkness
Hexorcist Evil Reaping Death
Savage Deity Decade of Savagery

8.  Cambion

"Conflagrate the Celestial Refugium"

(Lavadome Productions)

7.  Archgoat

"Worship the Eternal Darkness"

(Debemur Morti Productions)

6.  Hexorcist

"Evil Reaping Death"

(Memento Mori)
(Godz ov War Productions)

5.  Savage Deity

"Decade of Savagery"

(Inhuman Assault Productions)

Funeral Chant Dawn of Annihilation
Phrenelith Chimaera
Concrete Winds Nerve Butcherer
Force of Darkness Twilight of Dark Illumination

4.  Funeral Chant

"Dawn of Annihilation"

(Carbonized Records)

3.  Phrenelith


(Nuclear Winter Records)

2.  Concrete Winds

"Nerve Butcherer"

(Sepulchral Voice Records)

1.  Force of Darkness

"Twilight of Dark Illumination"

(Iron Pegasus Records)

Here are a few other releases that didn't make the list worth mentioning.


(Click on band name for bandcamp link)


Churchacide / Plague Swarm

​Bitter Loss


Tempter's Sacramen





Goat Piss








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