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Merciless Onslaught - June 28, 2013 (featuring Corpse Molestation demo)

Featured Demo:

Corpse Molestation - "Descension of a Darker Deity" 1992

Bestial Mockery - "Satan's Devilsaw" (Opening Theme)

Acid Witch - "Cauldron Cave"

Purson - "Twos and Ones"

Infinite Black - "The Flames"

Matricide - "Celestial Parasite"

Tyrant Goatgoldrakona - "The Thief of Lies"

War Master - "Cult of Greed"

Mortician - "Cremated"

Vaginal Bear Trap - "Gnarcotic Overload"

Atom Winter - "The Crypt is Calling"

Zealotry - "Decaying Echoes"

F.F.C. - "I Don't Get It"

Dispolar - "Diver"

Morgengrau - "Chemosh Enlighten"

Dead Congregation - "Martyrdoom"

Blaspherian - Crusade Towards Unholy Deliverance"

Pseudogod - "The Antichrist Victory"

Bestial Warlust - "Legion of Wrath"

Sabbat - "Torment in the Pentagram"

Force of Darkness - "Whore of the Untamed Flame"

Nocturnal Graves - "Whore of Sodom"

Denouncement Pyre - "Circle of Serpents"

Purification Kommando - "Bringers of Nuklear Death"

Invierno Nuclear - "Thermonuclear Devastation" (Onslaught cover)

--+ Descension of a Darker Deity +--

1. Intro

2. Sudden Combustion

3. At the Graveyard of God

4. Loathsomeness

5. Outro

Backwater - "Dirty Pigs"

RAM - "Lightbringer"

Black Fate - "Heaven Can Wait"

Satan - "Time to Die"

D.R.I. - "Stupid, Stupid War"

Murderess - "Born to Die"

P.L.F. - "Up in Flames, Down in a Sea of Bullets"

Zombie Raiders - "Corpse of Earth"

POOR - "Barbaric Internet Slander"

Going Peacefully - "Worms Consume"

MDC - "No Place to Piss"

UTD - "Sniff Paint"

Sickness - "Spit"

Doom Siren - "Firing Squad"

Disgraved - "Imminent Death"

Scythe - "Planet of the Humans"

Beowulf - "Shoot Them Down"

OZ - "Search Lights"

Tytan - "The Watcher"

Bulbous Creation - "Under the Black Sun"

Salem's Wych - "Betrayer of Kings"

Persecutor - "Darkened Call"

Morbid Goat Fornicator - "Nuclear Vaticano"

Goatvomit - "Demonic War Cult"

Antediluvian - "Mount of the Congregation..."

Merciless Onslaught w/HellPreacher

Every Friday 4pm-7pm EST

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