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Black Onslaught January 2020 Full Moon

Black Onslaught Playlist

January 2020 Full Moon

Hell Knofessor - When The Wolves Reign The Land Of Lakes (Intro) Hell Knofessor - Hell Knofessor Hatespirit - Old Ways Never Die --+ Empire of the Moon - Imperium Tridentis ✷ Vaeok - Atrox ✷ Gazarii - Fear ✷ Oculus - Relinquishment of Existence ✷ Wardaemonic - Act I - Introspection ✷ --+ Winter of Apokalypse - True Pagan Hearts Amestigon - The Gates to a Red Moon ('95 demo) Werewolf - Blood Before My Eyes Black Rain - Inferno ('96 demo) Hellvetic Frost - Ravaged Through Sorrow Aeba - Into The Infernal Dark Abyss ('95 demo) --+ Arsonist Lodge - The Deathking Starcave - A Common Beast Totenheer - Der Komthur ✷ --+ Mavorim - Die letzte Festung ✷ Vermisst - Czas Chtonicznej Zemsty ✷ Grafvitnir - Wolf of the Eclipse Vaal - Doudesheimen The Kryptik - When the Shadows Rise

✷ = New 2020

LIVE Desecrations Every Full Moon

From 11pm-1am Eastern Time ONLY at

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