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Halloween Onslaught 2 for October 31, 2023

At the sound of the demon bell everything will turn to hell.

A special 3 hour Halloween desecration of Merciless Onslaught

Francis Haines - "Trioxin Theme" (Background Music 1)

Terrortron - "Ripped Apart in the Park" (Background Music 2)

Bestial Mockery - Satan's Devilsaw (Opening Theme) Mercyful Fate - At the Sound of the Demon Bell

Freakish - Crypt of Mangled Horrors

Tribulation - Beyond the Horror


Cemetery Urn - It Will End in Death

Tenebro - Ultime Grida Dalla Giungla Out Nov. 21st on Xtreem Music

Funeral Vomit - Cadaveric Apparition Out Dec. 19th on Xtreem Music

Black Jackal - Hellish Rebuke


Possessed - The Exorcist

Sacrifice - Necronomicon

Repulsion - The Lurking Fear

Toto Coelo - Dracula’s Tango (Sucker For Your Love)

Rigor Mortis - Wizard of Gore

Mythic - Lament Configuration

Hetsheads - Cast in Silver

Beherit - Werewolf, Semen and Blood


Denial Fiend - Frankenstein Conquers the World

Fondlecorpse - Halloween, the Night He Came Home

Nunslaughter - Blood Drinker

Mysticum - Crypt of Fear

Count Spookula - Sexy Witch

Death - Beyond the Unholy Grave

Repugnant - Spawn of Pure Malevolence

Acid Witch - Partytime (45 Grave cover)


Mortuary Drape - Rattle Breath Out Nov. 3rd on Peaceville Records

Haalbuaer - Caverns of the Deceased

Perverted Ceremony - Dark Necromancy

Necromantia - The Serpent and the Pentagram

Glory Hole - Infestation of Worms

Samael - Black Trip


Marble Orchard - Hollow Men

Misfits - Halloween (MSP '80)

Fulci - Apocalypse Zombie

Riot City - Halloween at Midnight (feat. Ty Gogal)

October 31 - Bury the Hatchet


Mortician - Witches' Coven

Grog - Dawn of the Living Dead

Warning (Ger) - Magic Castle

Cultes Des Ghoules - Maze of Coffins

Rotten Tomb - Forgotten Graveyard

Old Nick - Vampyric Witch Ghost


Aegrus - Nocturnal Rites of Faust

Omegavortex - Demonic Phantasm

Blood Storm - The Penanggalan

Mütiilation - Transylvania

Putridarium - The Organs Crawler

Moonblood - Slave of Eternity (Nachzehrer)

--+ Outro +--

✷ = NEW 2023

Merciless Onslaught w/Hellpreacher LIVE Tuesday Nights from 10pm-1am EDT ONLY at


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