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Merciless Onslaught for July 19, 2016

And death is the way to live. Featured EP: Mordicus - “Three Way Dissection” 1992

Nick Villarreal - “El Enamorado” (Background Music)

Bestial Mockery - Satan's Devilsaw (Opening Theme)

Mordicus - Unholy Wrath Voidnaga - Emanated Light Towards Chaos ✷ Graveir - Wolf Halo ✷ KILL - Great Death ✷ Dismember - Sickening Art Gorgosaur - Gashes and Demise ✷ Megatomb - Multideath Blood Incantation - Hidden Species (Vitrification of Blood Part2) ✷ Gorerotted - Her Gash I Did Slash Wargoat - Black Mass Ejaculation StormVold - Montanas de Venganza ✷ Golgothan Remains - From Chaos It Has Come ✷ Kreator - Total Death Mutilator - Tormented Soul Sadistik Exekution - Sister Valerie Vomitor - Pain of Death Phrenelith - Crawling Shadows, Slithering Tongues Infester - To The Depths (In Degradation) Butamacho - Niños de Queilen Mortician - Procreation (of the Wicked) (Celtic Frost cover)

Mordicus - “Three Way Dissection”

1. Execrated to Live 2. Pythogenetic Gash Obstruction 3. Preserved Fomenting

Oath of Cruelty (Houston, TX)

- Altar of Impalement - Nocturnal Victimizer - Lordly Executioner - Necrophiliac (Slayer cover) - Hellish Decimation - Skeletal Armies

Occultum - Anthem of the Fallen World ✷ Holy Moses - Summer Kills UNGOD - Bewitched by Sins and Lust ✷ Invocation Spells - The Revenge of the Serpents Total Hate - Sinister Reflections ✷ Azaxul - The Sepulchral Whore ✷ Szron - Total Cleansing Galgeras - Forester Paria - Sodomsphinx Garroted - A Ritual Profane ✷ Ammit - Cuero Negro (Black Leather) Creeping - Scythes Over My Grave

✷ = New 2016

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