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Black Onslaught on Black Void Radio #6

Black Onslaught Playlist #6

October 2018 Full Moon

Wind of the Black Mountains - An Autumn Evening (Darkness Crave) Satanic Warmaster - 666 --+ Sargeist - Death's Empath Gevurah - Mark of Lucifer Temple of Oblivion - From Cairo to the Cape Black Funeral - Alanni Goddess of the Underworld Azaghal - Ajaton Ride For Revenge - Naked And Ready Eternal Alchemist - Invocation Of The Black Flames Kult - Pandemonium Ritual Death - Ritual Murder (Mark of the Devil) Tezcatlipoca - In Tlilihtec Tzompantli --+ Nehëmah - In October Nightshades Thorns - Ærie Descent Gehenna - Angelwings and Ravenclaws Black Murder - Fresh Flesh Grabgesang - To Die Under Bloodred Skies Mythos - Unreal Moon --+ A.M.S.G. - Astral Projections of Lucifer Inferno Requiem - Apocalypse Chaos Myrmidon - Blasphemous Torture The Sons of Perdition - Chainsaw Marauder Ampulheta - Disturbing Haunt - Where Your Grave Used To Be --+ Rodent Epoch - Rodentlord Primaire - Winds of Cleansing Black Circle - The Path to Eternal Wisdom Cataplexy - Burn the False Idols Ichor - Call of the Bloodthirst Akitsa - Credo --+ Velo Misere - Abdicación Kalterit - Black Inspiration Gitrog - Black Lunar Tombs Axudual Imdurzaam - Untitled II Malign - Ashes And Bloodstench Root - 666

✷ = New 2018

LIVE Desecrations Every Full Moon

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