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Black Onslaught on Black Void Radio #7

Black Onslaught Playlist #7

November 2018 Full Moon

Mørketida - Invoking The Seventh Moon Moonfrost - November Fullmoon --+ Clandestine Blaze - Blood Of The Enlightenment Essenz - Unfolding Death Burial Shrine - To Plough the Depths Shadow's Mortuary - Labyrintti Kriegsmaschine - Lost in Liminal Uruk - Ride of the Black Horde --+ Ungod - Circle Of The Seven Infernal Pacts Frozen Shadows - Beyond The Pallid Vales Black Funeral - The Crimson Dragon Silexater - Bloodsigned Night Resuscitator - Servants of the Darkest Throne Nocternity - Secreta Ayra (The Key) --+ Pest - Lífit es Dauðafærð Impurity - Sabat Medico Peste - I Wither Without Your Grace --+ Devouring Star - Scar Inscriptions Isgärde - Time For The Ages Negativa - XVIII Empty - We All Taste the Same for the Worms Naked Whipper - Impure Svolder - Deviant Rituals of the Sand Orphan Chaos Omen - Glare as I Reveal Bestial Warfare - II Hulder - Implements of Hell --+ Myling - Bäckasvuren Nécropole - Ferments de Corruption Theudho - Wolfstijd Pénombre - Révélations

✷ = New 2018

LIVE Desecrations Every Full Moon

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