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Black Onslaught on Black Void Radio #8

Black Onslaught Playlist #8

December 2018 Full Moon

Goathammer - Into the Endless Night ✷ Ritual Death - December Moon Cultus ✷ --+ Death Karma - Haiti-Voodoo ✷ Siech - Baptized in Vomit ✷ Morgal - Warcry of the Vampire ✷ Whoredom Rife - New Hate Dawns ✷ Malum - Opening the Gates of Cursed Dimension ✷ Sarkrista - Distant Blazing Battle Horns ✷ Sacrificium Carmen - Kuolonkerjäläinen ✷ --+ Crimson Evenfall - Winterheart Moonblood - Moonstruck Diabolical Masquerade - Blackheim's Quest to Bring Back the Stolen Autumn My Infinite Kingdom - A Trial in Evil Domains Lycanthropy's Spell - On A Winter Path Werewolf - Wolfish Famine of Blood --+ Strigoii - Coffins Filled with Blood (Mixed Blood of Moroii and Strigoii) ✷ Dødknell - Raped Silent Chanting ✷ Halo of Miasma - Salt Upon Wounds ✷ --+ Pagan Hellfire - At the Resting Depths Eternal ✷ F.A.M.A.S. - Warfront Infernal Necromancy - Forgotten Wisdom Strongblood - The Storm Baphomets Horns - Mass Graves for Christianity Faceless God - The Days After the Apocalypse QARS - Menstrual Blood Libation ✷ Wømb - Ritual Union Through Sex Magick ✷ Hexekration Rites - Chaos Absolution ✷ --+ Xibalba Itzaes - The Storm of Giaia ✷ Svartidauði - The Howling Cynocephali ✷ Mavorim - Das Fleisch der Engel ✷ Infernarium - Kadotuksen Harmonia ✷ Annihilatus - The Darkness Within ✷ Narrenwind - Mojej bolesnej śnię dobrą śmierć ✷

✷ = New 2018

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