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Black Onslaught October 2020 Full Moon #2

Black Onslaught Playlist

October 2020 Full Moon #2

The Second of the Double Full Moon this month.

Varathron - The Cult of the Dragon

Black Funeral - Ripping Through the Aura

Goatmoon - October's Blood


Sorcier Des Glaces - Night-Dark Winds of Evil

Essence of Blasphemers - Massacre

Alghol - Blood Brew

Striges - Parched with Eternal Thirst

Streams of Blood - Pigture

Kurnugia - Sweet Blasphemy

Xalpen - Han K'win Saik (For Those Who Have Departed)


Mayhem - Funeral Fog

Beastcraft - Black Altar of Death

Necromantia - The Feast of Ghouls

Mütiilation - Under Ardailles Night

Titan Mountain - ...of the Night

Vlad Tepes - Walachian Tyrant


Vampirska - Feasting on the Dried Blood of Majesties

Faustian Spirit - Sinister Path

Mäleficentt - Bones of Compatriots

Nither - Shadowed Catharsis


Waldoede - Der Blutsauger

Wampirvs Sinistrvs - Rotten Coffin


Beherit - Celebrate the Dead

✷ = New 2020

LIVE Desecrations Every Full Moon

From 11pm-1am Eastern Time


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